A new year comes with much to do, plan for, and be excited about. But, at the start of these 365 days, it’s important that we take time to position our hearts before the Lord. It’s easy to focus on all of the doing, but what if we focus on the being—being at the feet of Jesus and listening to what He has to say to us? When we spend time with Him, our serving and productivity will flow out of that time.
In this episode, we’re looking at Mary and Martha’s encounter with Jesus in Luke 10:38-42. He called them to a place of discipleship and a posture of choosing quality time with Him as superior to being anxiously busy for Him. Jesus invited these two sisters, as he invites us, to a deeper communion with Him. He said that this is the better choice because time spent with Him can never be taken away. Don’t we want to be about the things that can never be taken away from us?
We don’t know what the year ahead holds, the hard times and the good times, but the quality time we invest with Jesus today is treasure stored for tomorrow. At the end of these 365 days, I want to have stored up something special. I want Jesus to look at our lives—our love for Him and for others, the time that we spend with Him and the time that we give to others—and say, “That is a treasure.”
January is the perfect time to start a Bible study. Check out Kelly’s newest study, Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy (video access included with study),and also her study, Encountering God, which is about the spiritual disciplines—a great focus for the new year.
Cultivate is brought to you in part by the Dwell Bible App. Save 30% at dwellapp.io/Cultivate.
Cultivate is sponsored in part by "When You Pray." Find out more at Lifeway.com/WhenYouPray
Check out Kelly's new book "The Blessed Life" at TheBlessedLifeBook.com or search for it on Amazon.