Waiting while God's Working
In today's episode, Quinn discusses the power of trusting God's timeline in times where we are waiting for prayers to be answered. She also focuses on what the Bible displays when people try and rush God into fulfilling his promises.   Through the episode, Quinn teaches listeners:       1. One question to ask themselves as they wait 2. How the Bible changed Quinn's perspective of God's character 3. The possibility of hope in pain as we wait  Mind Renewal Tip: When we understand that God's timing is perfect, we wait differently.  Scripture Renewal Tip:But they who wait on the lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagle they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 30:31  
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Miraculous Healing: The Day God Used a Client to Heal Me
In today's episode, Quinn shares the story of her smile getting healed miraculously through the prayer of an unexpected person while she was at work. This experience not only moved her but taught her more about the power of bold faith.   In the episode, Quinn details how this experience:  Has strengthened her faith in miracles through this process.  Confirmed God is the same God today as he was in the Bible.  Encouraged her to tell others to pray to increase in their faith.   Mind Renewal Tip: While we often want to limit God's ability to move and do miracles in our everyday life, God is the same God that healed others everywhere he went. His character has not changed because as scripture teaches us, HE is the same yesterday, today and forever.   Scripture Renewal Tip: The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16-17  The Joy of the Trinity is available wherever you buy books.
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Taking a Moment to Heal
During this episode, Quinn shares where she is in her health journey with Ramsay Hunt and how it is still affecting her health Because her speech is still being altered, Quinn tells listeners that she is taking a break from recording new episodes as she waits on the rest of her recovery.   In the episode, Quinn shares: Two of her favorite scriptures that provide her comfort during this time.  How she is examining her thoughts and making them captive to Christ.  How much pouring into scripture is the best way to renew the mind.  Mind Renewal Tip: We end up with junk in our mind if we don't fill it with truth.  Scripture Renewal Tip: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,?and we take captive every thought to make it obedient?to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Every girl deserves a faith-filled adventure click here for the NIV Kingdom Girls Bible
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4 Easy Habits to Improve Your Marriage in a Hurry!
In today's episode, Quinn discusses how to help improve your marriage in a hurry! The habits discussed are meant to be simple and easy to apply!  In the episode, listeners will learn: The power of prayer in a relationship  When to utilize therapy in your marriage to resolve hangups  The simplicity of appreciation in strengthening marriage  Mind Renewal Tip: A marriage with God goes from self-dependency to God-dependency and strengthens because of it.   When a spouse feels appreciated, they feel seen, and when they feel seen, they feel loved. And when a spouse feels loved, marriages thrive!  Scripture Renewal Tip: A cord with three strands is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 
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One Secretly Destructive Habit that Weakens Marriages
Have you ever found it is easy to find fault in your in-laws and feel annoyed? If you relate, you are not alone. However, this habit is not helpful for marriages because it causes distance between you and your spouse!   In this episode, Quinn offers solutions in finding ways to build positivity toward your in-laws by discussing:  Instances boundaries are necessary and times annoyances need to be overlooked.  What happens when you find the positive in your in-laws and share it with your spouse.  The importance of modeling a good relationship with your in-laws to your children.   Mind Renewal Tip: Every time you express an annoyance about your in-laws to your spouse, you create a wedge of division in your marriage. Instead of finding what your in-laws don't do, look for what they do. And tell your spouse you notice it!  Scriptural Renewal Tip: Love is patient, love is kind...it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13
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