The Collective Podcast with Charlotte Gambill


My new favorite show!

I've been following along with Charlotte since hearing her speak at a Dare to Be event many years ago. I'm always inspired and challenged by her! So when this podcast came out I knew it was a must listen-amazing as expected! Every episode encourages and inspires while also challenging and convicting me in the areas I need to grow.

Listen on repeat

I have listened to the episodes of this podcast more than once because they are THAT good! Charlotte is encouraging, motivating, and honest with God's word. I have laughed, cried, prayed, and praised while listening.

About AccessMore

AccessMore is a listener-funded podcast platform dedicated to inspiring thoughtful conversations about faith. With the support of donors like you, we're able to provide millions of listeners with a place to explore real and vulnerable topics. AccessMore is part of the EMF family of media ministries, along with the K-LOVE and Air1 radio networks.